Server Event Log Provides Detailed Warnings, Errors, Auditing and More

Verbose event log keeps you updated on current TOP Server status

TOP Server’s detailed event log is a valuable troubleshooting tool, listing informational messages, warnings, and errors for you when you are having an issue.  This applies whether an issue is configuration related, on the client or on the device side of the TOP Server communications. The Event log is available in the TOP Server Configuration User Interface and can be exported/saved to text files, persisted with user-configurable rollover settings, and even accessed by alarm management applications using OPC A&E.

Export the event log to help us assist you faster

You can also print or save the event log to a text file for searchability and ease of sharing with concerned parties.

We recommend saving the event log as a text file and sending the file when you are contacting us for assistance. This *.txt file along with your TOP Server project *.opf file are often needed to help resolve issues quickly.

This is also easily accomplished by generating an Application Report, which includes the latest event log and configuration and many other useful details to assist support engineers.


Display only the information you want in the event log

There are a number of configurable display options in the TOP Server Configuration Window that allow you to adjust the level of reporting for events in the log.

By default, all possible events will be logged to your TOP Server event log.  However, if you find that you don't really need Informational or Security events, you can easily hide them.

Once your system is up and operational, for instance, you many also want to disable viewing Information Events so that you only see Warnings and Error messages in the Configuration interface.

Detailed event log paired with detailed help files speeds troubleshooting

Not only does the TOP Server have an event log with detailed warnings and errors, but each and every driver, plug-in and the server itself has a detailed help file.

These help files cover not only what configuration settings are and how to use them but also provide detailed explanations of each warning or error including possible causes to point you in the right direction.  This minimizes your troubleshooting time and maximizes your results.

Advanced event log settings

There are a number of advanced settings you can control for the event log in the TOP Server Administration Settings. The event log specific settings are located in the "Event Log" section.

The Connection settings are for the port connections used by the TOP Server Configuration to access the Event Log. If your IT department requires a specific port, you can adjust the port used here.

Additionally, the TOP Server event log can be persisted in multiple ways for flexibility in troubleshooting in different scenarios:

  • Memory - this mode maintains event records in active memory only and does not persist events to a log file.
  • Single File (Default) - this mode is the standard method that TOP Server has always used to persist event records to memory in a single log file, first in first out.
  • Extended Data Store - this mode allows spanning of event record logs to multiple files to ensure no critical events are lost for long-term troubleshooting purposes.
    • Max single file size (KB) - specifies the maximum size for each individual log file after which the Event Logger should span to a new file. Size range is from 100 KB to 10,000 KB.
    • Min days to preserve - specifies the age of events to be preserved prior to file deletion. Range of time files can be preserver is from 1 day to 90 days.

When troubleshooting a problem it can be useful to increase the number of max records to make sure you don’t overwrite important events too often. The Log file path lets you select where you want the Log file to be saved. You can also copy the log file from one PC onto another and use this path to open it from another PC or on a network drive.

OPC AE Simple Events supported

Additionally, access to the event log messages by OPC AE clients is included (OPC AE access to Conditional alarms and events data for devices requires the optional OPC AE plug-in).

This is referred to as OPC AE Simple Events. OPC AE clients can be notified based on the type of Event Log event.  For example, if TOP Server received a communications error from the device or an information event that would show that someone has changed or restarted the Server, these events can be accessed by the AE client.


Important Notes:

  • See the Security section for steps to prevent unauthorized resetting of the event log.
  • For the event log advanced settings, if the User Manager is enabled, you will need your approved password to open the Settings.
  • OPC AE Simple Events additional details:
    • ProgID for OPC AE client access: SWToolbox.TOPServer_AE.V6
    • Path for Simple Events OPC AE access: _System._ServerEvents
    • Supports A&E client filtering by event type, severity and category
    • Passed the OPC A&E compliance test
    • Supports the IOPCEventSubscriptionMgt2 interface.

Get Started Now

The demo is the full product once licensed. Once a client application connects to the  TOP Server, the TOP Server runtime will operate for 2 hours at a time. At the end of the 2 hour demo period, the demo timer must be reset by restarting the TOP Server runtime service.

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