Contact Software Toolbox for Help

Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM, US Eastern Time (GMT-5 except during daylight savings time when we are GMT-4)


  • US & Canada Toll-Free: +1 888-665-3678
  • Global: +1 704-849-2773

Email:  Whenever possible please submit your inquiry via one of these links. Your inquiry is immediately routed to all members of the right team in our organization who will respond promptly and faster than email. Once you are working with someone you will have their email for further communications.

Customer Portals Access: We have a roadmap to offer you single sign on; however, for the time being you have unique logins for these two systems which you can access here:

Mail & Shipping Address: 148 East Charles St, Suite A, Matthews, NC 28105, USA