Drive efficiency and accuracy for your measurement team with automated, scheduled liquids and gas accounting data retrieval from Emerson FB-1000 & 2000 Flow Computers and FB-3000 RTUs and export to FLOWCAL CFX format or any ODBC compliant SQL database
Works with Kepware's KEPServer or Software Toolbox's TOP Server DNP3 Drivers with Secure SaV5 support for proven, secure, robust DNP3 communications for real-time data collection and all the DNP3 file retrieval needed for the flow computer or RTU's EFM data.
Emerson, FB Automation Platform, FB-1000, FB-2000, and FB-3000 are trademarks of Emerson Electric, used with permission, but not implying any endorsement of Software Toolbox or this product
The software installs with an extensive PDF users guide that shows all configuration, operation and setup of the product from simple to advanced.
Documentation also includes
Watch and learn how to bring the DNP3 tag map from the device into TOP Server or KEPServerto create a tag namespace in 12 minutes!
Trial versions are available upon request and are limited in the number of times the application can be executed. Once licensed, limits are removed.
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