OPC Data Logger - Store OPC DA & UA Data to Text & Databases

Fast, Cost-Effective, Rapid Results without Sacrificing Flexibility

The OPC Data Logger is a cost-effective solution for dynamic, event-driven data logging to text files and databases from OPC UA and DA(Classic) real-time data sources, including OPC UA complex data. Triggered, conditional, and confirmed logging along with store & forward gets the data when you want it and ensure it ends up in the destination. A wizard-based interface empowers rapid configuration & flexible results. Configurations scale to larger tag counts through the regular user interface or mass imports 

Users around the world rely on the OPC Data Logger to store data in a standard SQL/ODBC databases, including Microsoft SQL, Azure SQL, MySQL and others or text/CSV files.

Solutions for under US$1000 & Free Trial Available. 




  • Key Features
  • Text/CSV File Logging
  • Database Logging
  • Store & Forward
  • Triggered/Conditional Logging
  • Confirmed Logging - Writebacks
  • Rapid Time-to-Results
  • Applications/Use Cases

Flexibility, Ease-of-Use and Scalability

We know you demand more than just dropping it in a CSV file

Everything in OPC Data Logger came from watching our users of development tools try to write custom applications. There had to be a better way. So we took our years of experience supporting them and built this product.  Even Text/CSV file logging has special requirements:

  • User configurable data delimiters 
  • Use the data in Excel or for sharing with other applications
  • Overwrite or append options
  • Include headers based on tag names
  • Custom header and footers using static text
  • Multiple File spanning options (generating new files) 
  • Flexible file naming 
  • Full disk prevention 

Wide Database Support, Flexible Configuration

  • Native database connections for Microsoft SQL (including SQL Express), Azure SQL, and MySQL  
  • Support for any ODBC compliant database
  • Stored Procedures supported 
  • Database connection keep alive for detecting down connections and reconnecting automatically
  • Wizard driven configuration for new projects
  • Direct configuration and import for power users 
  • Use existing tables or create them automatically
  • Flexible storage formats including mapping of values to columns 

Ensuring No Data is Left Behind

If the connection to the database disconnects, store & forward ensures that data is buffered and sent to the database in the same order when the connection is restored. 
  • opc-data-logger-store-forward-enablingUser configurable memory buffer size or 
  • Enable persistent local storage and forwarding with a single checkbox
  • Customizable location for Store and Forward file location with advanced event tracing

You Deserve More than Basic Logging

There are many use cases for when data needs to be stored. We offer a variety of triggers and event based options to allow you to log only data when you need it.
  • Schedule Based Logging - configure time windows for work shifts, daily, different groups of data at different times, natively integrated with Windows Task Scheduler 
  • Event Based Logging - start and stop logging based on tags in your PLC or controller that indicate alarms, machine changeover, batch completion or anything
  • Event Based File Spanning - use a tag in the controller to cause a new file to be generated 
  • OPC Logging options - on data change, timer driven asynchronous or synchronous reads, or triggers as described above 

Your Data Is Important - Be Sure It's Stored - Writebacks to the Rescue

Anyone can receive data, throw it over the wall and hope it got stored. Our users were clear, they have data that cannot be lost.  They also want to know if the database connection is up. Users of OPC Data Logger often have logic in their PLCs/controllers that requires writing something back to confirm that the data has been received, only then will it fill up the data buffer again. Each application is different, so we built in Writebacks to address this handshaking need

  • Write back a confirmation, based on your conditions, to any tag of any data type in your PLC/controller that you can access using OPC
  • Supported with text/CSV and database logging
  • Work with triggered/conditional logging
  • Monitor database connection state and write values to PLC/controller if it goes down/returns
  • Flexible choices for when a writeback is sent - different choices for text files and databases

Scalable Configuration & Robust Operating Tools Get You Going Fast

  • Wizard driven for new projects
  • CSV tag import for large configurations
  • Import of native KEPServer and TOP Server tag list exports
  • Copy and paste configuration objects 
  • Test run to confirm your logging works
  • Database and OPC connection test during configuration
  • OPC Item browsing/discovery, validation and testing
  • Detailed diagnostic logs
  • Configurations are easily copied to multiple computers to replicate systems

No Two User Applications Are the Same - We Get That 

The number of applications we've seen our users implement in 1000's of installations is wide and varied. Some users have shown us the creative ways they use OPC Data Logger that we never thought of. Share yours and we will recognize and reward you! 


  • System Requirements
  • Documentation
  • Release Notes
  • Technical Blog
  • Videos

Operating System, Hardware & Other Requirements

See our system requirements knowledgebase FAQ for full details regarding 

  • Operating System Support
  • Virtualization Support 
  • .NET Framework requirements
  • CPU, Memory, Disk space requirements
  • Supported database types

opc-data-logger-help-pdf-200hHelp Every Step of the Way 

The OPC Data Logger, including the free trial, installs with extensive help documentation that includes many step-by-step guides with images to help you get started quickly but also become an expert user. 

You can also download the OPC Data Logger Brochure

Stay Up To Date

OPC Data Logger Release Notes are in our knowledgebase

Download latest version

Existing users on an active Support & Maintenance Agreement can download the free trial software and upgrade without any cost. 

See How It's Done

Video-Getting-Started-With-OPC-Data-Logger-350wWe know it's often easier to just watch someone configure a product and follow along. Our team has made a range of videos available and as they hear more about your needs, they make more! 

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What Our Clients Say

Get Started Now

The trial software is the full product and can log to any supported file or database format with no tag count limits. Once the OPC Data Logger starts logging, it will stop after 2 hours. You can restart it but all logging will stop after 30 days. 

Connect with Us

1-888-665-3678 (US + Canada toll free)
+1-704-849-2773 (Global)