In the challenging staffing environment we live in, our clients tell us they struggle to get things done. Our system integrator partners, who most users turn to, are even short staffed and need help.
Our product support services are extensive, but there are out-of-scope areas, and that is also where professional services help.
For that reason, users and integrators can put our expertise to help assure success through paid professional services.
All services must be related to the usage of one or more of our products to be considered in our scope of supply. If none of our products are involved or potentially involved, we will refer you to a qualified system integrator.
Since our founding, our customers have consistently praised our products for being easy to configure and for offering excellent training videos, as well as helpful support in answering questions and providing guidance both before purchase and during active support agreements.
However, there are times when integrators and users ask us to build a basic product configuration for them, review it in online meetings, and then hand it off for their continued work. For those needs we offer paid professional services.
It's best to consult with our team to determine how we can best help.
When needs go beyond what is included in product support, examples of areas we can help with as paid professional services include:
We do draw the line at work that is best suited for an integration partner. That could include onsite work, full project implementation, custom application development.
It's best to consult with our team to determine how we can best help.
Like Advanced Technical Consulting, we draw the line at work that an integrator should be doing and will provide a referral. However, in our experience, there are times even integrators want our assistance in this area, and we can provide paid services for items we are qualified and have resources to assist with.
Consulting examples but not limited to:
It's best to consult with our team to determine how we can best help.
Software Toolbox is NOT a system integrator. When you need someone to do systems integration, we can refer you to experienced integrators in your area who can assist you.
Software Toolbox is an member of the Control Systems Integrators Association (CSIA) and will often refer you to a member of the CSIA first wherever possible to assure you of the highest standards of engineering quality and ethics. We suggest you visit the CSIA website as a first place to find a qualified integrator. If you are an integrator and are not a member of the CSIA, we strongly suggest you consider the benefits of membership in the CSIA as outlined on their website.
1-888-665-3678 (US + Canada)
+1-704-849-2773 (Global)
+1-704-849-6388 (Fax)