You want your TOP Server implementation to successfully operate over time with HMI, SCADA, MES, Historian and other client applications that it supplies process data to as those client applications and Windows operating systems are updated when new technology becomes available.
All new license purchases include 1 year of support & maintenance to help you achieve that goal. Support & Maintenance can be renewed on an annual basis and can be co-termed with other product licenses you have purchased from Software Toolbox.
We can also work with you to flexibly provide pro-rating to co-term your TOP Server support/maintenance renewals with support/maintenance contracts you have for software from other vendors (such as your HMI, SCADA, MES or Historian provider).
NOTE: If the product is outside the support/warranty period, re-registrations due to hardware failure, or other events causing loss of license, will require payment of additional fees. In situations with no loss of license, users can execute license transfers without contacting support by following the guidelines here. All licenses on the same PC must be covered by a support contract to receive the benefits of the Support and Maintenance Program (see details above).
TOP Server is a key part of all of our systems because it works the way you expect it to and the Software Toolbox team’s support and add-in products help us maximize our client’s results.
- Stefan la Grange, Software Engineer, AMR Automation
I can't say enough good things about your company. It's nice to do business with people who are dedicated to their products and their customers.
- Bob Coomes, Developer, Robert Bosch Corporation
TOP Server is a key part of all of our systems because it works the way you expect it to and the Software Toolbox team’s support and add-in products help us maximize our client’s results.
- Stefan la Grange, Software Engineer, AMR Automation
I can't say enough good things about your company. It's nice to do business with people who are dedicated to their products and their customers.
- Bob Coomes, Developer, Robert Bosch Corporation
We strive to keep our support and maintenance agreement renewal costs low in absolute US$ terms. To do that, there are things that are not included in the price of the agreements. Our professional services can address some needs in the items not included, or we may refer you to a member of our system integrator partner network for other paid services. Contact us to discuss your options.
The product licensing will NOT stop TOP Server from working just because support is expired.
However, if you are not on the most current version, we cannot guarantee that the product will work with newer Windows Versions or Windows Updates if you are not on the most current version of the product.
Keeping an active support and maintenance agreement helps you ensure compatibility with operating systems, firmware and security patches. Additionally, active support and maintenance provides access to our support team if/when any issues require assistance.
Yes, you can re-instate your support and maintenance agreement for TOP Server.
Please contact us for a quotation on reinstatement for your specific licenses.
TOP Server V5 and V6 users can find their existing TOP Server activation ID or IDs in the License Utility - click here for details on finding your activation IDs.
For users still working with TOP Server V4, click here for details on finding your TOP Server serial number / numbers.
The demo is the full product once licensed. Once a client application connects to the TOP Server, the TOP Server runtime will operate for 2 hours at a time. At the end of the 2 hour demo period, the demo timer must be reset by restarting the TOP Server runtime service.
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