• Key Features
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  • Advanced Features
  • Device Support
  • Protocols / Networks
  • Videos & App Notes
  • Help Files & Release Notes
  • Technical Blog
  • Additional Resources

IEC 60870 Ethernet Client Key Features Include

  • Maximum Number of Channels & Devices: 
    • Channels - 1024 (V6.16 & higher) - older versions: 256
    • Devices per Channel - 1024
    • NOTE: Practical channel/device limits will vary depending on your available system resources and communications architecture
  • Supports Sequence of Event data with playback
  • Supports cyclic, background scan, and polled reads
  • Supports Select & Execute and Direct Execute for writes
  • Supports General Interrogation and Counter Interrogation
  • Supports Balanced & Unbalanced communications

IEC 60870-5-104 Ethernet Driver Advanced Features Include

  • Configurable communications parameters include:
    • Cause of Transmission (COT) Size
    • Link Settings including:
      • Receive Buffer Size
      • Timeouts for T1, T2 and T3
      • Maximum unacknowledged transmitted and received APDUs
  • Supports Time Synchronization
    • Configurable time zone and support for DST
    • Configurable threshold defines the acceptable time delta between device and server time
    • Three modes: 
      • Absolute (compares time on the device once a day at a specific time)
      • Interval (compares time on the device at a specified interval)
      • On Poll (compares time on the device after polling is completed)

IEC 60870-5-104 Ethernet Client Supported Devices

  • Devices supporting the IEC 60870-5-104 Ethernet protocol (acting as servers)

For full details on models and networks supported, please consult the driver help file.

IEC 60870-5-104 Ethernet Supported Protocols / Networks

  • Protocols:
    • IEC 60870-5-104
  • Networks:
    • TCP/IP Ethernet

Videos / Guides / App Notes to Help You Get Started

To insure you get the most from your investment in TOP Server™, we provide a variety of application notes/guides and how-to videos, since we know that sometimes it helps to see someone showing you how to do things.

Driver Help Files / Release Notes

Use the below links to access TOP Server release history and driver help documentation.

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The demo is the full product once licensed. Once a client application connects to the  TOP Server, the TOP Server runtime will operate for 2 hours at a time. At the end of the 2 hour demo period, the demo timer must be reset by restarting the TOP Server runtime service.

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