OPC Data Client Support & Maintenance

Assuring application success over the long run

You want your application built with the OPC Data Client to successfully interoperate over time with OPC Servers that it connects to as those OPC servers and Windows operating systems are updated.  

All new license purchases include 1 year of support & maintenance to help you achieve that goal. Support & Maintenance can be renewed on an annual basis and can be co-termed with other product licenses you have purchased from Software Toolbox.

How Support & Maintenance Pays

  • Free updates to the latest version of whatever edition of OPC Data Client you have purchased
    • Support for latest Windows Versions
    • Support for latest OPC Specification Updates
  • Unlimited email support and up to 4 hours of phone support per month during our normal business hours. 
  • Priority response from support staff with development knowledge, with the goal of responses within 2 hours during our normal business hours.
  • Technical support for licensing and installation issues
  • Guidance in troubleshooting potential product issues and working to provide workarounds until product patches/updates can be made to resolve the issues
  • Application troubleshooting advice, though debugging of your custom code or writing your code for you is not included. 
  • Re-registration and/or transfer of your license to a new computer or re-installation due to hardware failure
  • Priority access to paid professional services 


Support & Maintenance Renewal Costs

Choosing the options below will renew your support and maintenance benefits for 1 year from the time of current expiration for Single Developer+Runtime Free Licenses. Contact us for pricing on other license types or for support renewals that also include the Excel Add-in feature. 

The prices shown are valid for users renewing BEFORE the expiration of their current agreement. 




Part # 41283502-SUPT-R





Part # 41283522-SUPT-R





Part # 41283542-SUPT-R





Part # 41283532-SUPT-R


Not Covered by Support

We strive to keep our support and maintenance agreement renewal costs low in absolute US$ terms. To do that, there are things that are not included in the price of the agreements.  Our professional services can address some needs in the items not included, or we may refer you to a member of our system integrator partner network for other paid services. Contact us to discuss your options.

  • Developing custom applications
  • Debugging your application code - if there is suspected a product issue, we ask that you reproduce the issue in as minimal of a code test rig as possible, and then we will use that code in our work to determine if there is a product issue
  • Debugging issues or contacting 3rd party vendors of OPC Servers being connected to, that have been shown, through use of other 3rd party test clients, to be a problem in an OPC Server NOT purchased from Software Toolbox. We will gladly collaborate with that supplier's support but would need the owner of the OPC Server license to use their support access with the other vendor to access their help
    • However, If the OPC server was purchased from Software Toolbox, of course we would support that product under its active support & maintenance agreement from Software Toolbox, while supporting the OPC Data Client at the same time.  
  • Support outside of our normal business hours.
  • On-site support 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I get help if I am not on support?

    Assistance is available as paid professional services if you are not on support, or you can re-instate your support and maintenance agreement. In the event we are extraordinarily busy, support and maintenance agreement holders receive first priority for paid services. We recommend that you reinstate support, as that will give you priority access to paid professional services. Contact us to discuss your options.

  • If I do not renew support, will my software stop working?

    The product licensing will NOT stop the OPC Data Client from working just because support is expired. 

    However, if you are not on the most current version, we cannot guarantee that the product will work with newer Windows Versions, Windows Updates, newer .NET versions, or newer compilers if you are not on the most current version of the product.

    Keeping an active support and maintenance agreement helps you ensure compatibility with operating systems and compilers.

  • My support is lapsed, can I re-instate it?

    Yes you can re-instate your support agreement.  The cost is typically approximately 50% of a new license price.

    Please contact us for a quotation on reinstatement for your specific licenses.  

Get Started Now

The demo is the full product. Once the OPC Data Client is connected to an OPC Server, it will run for 30 minutes at a time. Once a license is purchased the timer is removed. 

Connect with Us

1-888-665-3678 (US + Canada toll free)
+1-704-849-2773 (Global)