DataHub WebView - Visibility & More for your Real Time Data

Web-Deployed Performant Visualization for Anything in DataHub

DataHub is highly performant at sourcing data from a wide variety of sources. Although DataHub can then serve that data out to other systems using OPC, MQTT and more, there are many reasons to consider what DataHub WebView has to offer. 

  • Unlimited client and data connections*
  • Desktop quality graphics with the convenience of application deployment from a browser login
  • No development software required! Build screens anywhere provided user has been granted rights
  • Robust security especially with new V11 features 
  • Low latency - real-time data, not dependent on any underlying database 
  • Historical Data View from popular historians and databases 
  • Natively integrated MQTT Sparkplug client and broker support 
  • Deployment to user machines without complex installs
  • Expandable functionality as your needs grow, including alarms & notifications, integration with OPC Alarms & Events and OPC UA Alarms & Conditions clients 
  • And even more in DataHub V11!

* Licenses are required for data connection types with packages available for many common types, but are not license limited by tag count or volume of data

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  • Dashboards & HMI's 
  • Web deployed remote monitoring, leveraging DataHub's powerful security model & Azure hosted option that lets you securely access data without opening inbound firewall ports, even for optional remote control
  • Add real-time performant displays to existing SCADA systems that can be launched with a browser link from those systems

Getting Started Video

Rapid Deployment to Users

With DataHub user logs in via browser to page hosted by your DataHub ( on-premise inside your firewalls & security or in Azure, your choice ), and the latest application and screens automatically deploy to their machine, then data is streamed at high speed to their displays.  No going around to user machines, remoting into user machines, depending on users to install updates,  you're in control with centralized deployment. 

Powerful Base Functionality in Every License

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This trial software is fully functioning and can be used to update licensed product provided you are on an active support & maintenance agreement.  Once DataHub is started it will run for 1 hour at a time, you can restart the application to reset this timer. Purchasing a license removes the limitation for licensed features. 

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1-888-665-3678 (US + Canada toll free)
+1-704-849-2773 (Global)