OPC Router OPC UA Pub/Sub Support

Publish-Subscribe Communications Accelerates & Saves Resources

With the OPC UA Pub/Sub standard, an OPC UA server data source can publish data, and multiple OPC UA clients can subscribe to receive that data, without there being direct connections between all possible combinations of publishers and subscribers. This capability accelerates communications and saves resources because everything communicates via the OPC UA Pub/Sub broker.  

Starting with version 4.27, OPC Router supports this powerful OPC UA standard. Simply include the OPC UA Pub/Sub plug-in with your license purchase, or add it onto your existing OPC Router License.

Learn more about how OPC Router implements OPC UA features beyond generic Data Access, including Pub/Sub, Companion Specs and more.

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OPC UA Pub/Sub Reader Trigger Object Subscribes to Data 

The trigger object of the OPC Router OPC UA Pub/Sub plug-in subscribes to different topics in the OPC UA broker. Whenever new data arrives at the broker, if the OPC Router Trigger object is subscribed it will receive that data.  Browsing of available data in the OPC UA broker is provided to choose data you want to subscribe to. 

Once the data is received, it can be used with any other plug-ins in OPC Router through it's visual workflows, including writing to databases, delivering to SAP and other ERP systems, RESTful web services, and more. 

OPC UA Pub/Sub Writer Transfer Object for Publishing of Data 

Using this transfer object in OPC Router, it can send or publish data to OPC UA Pub/Sub brokers. All connections are made via drag-and-drop using OPC Router's visual workflows, and the data can be sourced from any system that OPC Router supports connections to.

Use Case: Recording Temperature Data 

Sensors or controllers supporting OPC UA Pub/Sub can transmit or publish their data to a broker and the broker distributes the data to any interested clients.  It is not necessary to have direct connections between each receiver or subscriber ad sensor which eliminates redundant connections without comprising communications performance. Systems subscribed to the data then compare actual temperatures to targets and react in case of deviations, log the data or take other actions

Get Started Now

The demo is the full product. When you put an OPC Router project into runtime, it will stop operating after 2 hours and have to be restarted. Purchase of a license will remove the restriction.

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