DataHub Download Version 11
(V11.0.1-240705 - July 5, 2024)

Product Download Details

  • What's Included
  • License Owner Upgrades
  • System Requirements
  • Videos & Training
  • Documentation + Release Notes
  • Older Versions/ Downgrades
  • Need Help?
  • Other Free Tools

Your free trial download includes

  • The full functionality of DataHub 
  • InfluxDB open-source (OSS) with Chronograf and Grafana
  • Runs for 1 hour at a time and can be restarted for further evaluation
  • Extended runtime trial licenses available upon request for proof-of-concepts and qualified evaluation situations. Contact us to request.
  • Adding a license code will convert the free trial version to a fully functioning version for the features included in your license.
  • By downloading our software you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the DataHub End User Software License Agreement.

Existing license owners: please carefully review the "Licensed Owner Upgrades" tab on this page. V11 requires a new license code which you can request there. 

Ready to Move to the Current Version? 

Complete the form below to download the current version.

What you'll need to use the free trial

Starting with version 9.0, the Cogent DataHub is available as a 32-bit or 64-bit application.

  • Windows Server 2008, 2008R2
  • Windows server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1 and 8.1 Embedded
  • Windows 7 (excluding Home Edition)

View the most current information and specifications

DataHub-Video-Center-350hGet Started Quickly 

To help you have a great experience with DataHub, we've built a library of training resources ranging from short quick start videos to on demand virtual training classes. 


Video Library

How-To Blogs

Access the Detailed Documentation & Resources

In addition to our video library, the DataHub documentation is installed with the product and is available in our knowledgebase

Documentation (PDF)

Release Notes History


Visit Knowledgebase

Need to reinstall or download an older version?

We recommend that all users be on an active support & maintenance agreement and run current software for the most robust and secure operation.  US-CISA and NIST always recommend that industrial control systems use current software and we stand with their recommendations. 

However, we understand some users have made the business decision to run an older version. Depending on how old your system is, some downloads may not be available if the product has reached End-of-Life. We review requests to download older versions on a case-by-case basis using the information you submit in your request. If you are on an active support agreement and we have a long-standing arrangement, we assure you that our team knows about that and will consider that in your request. 

Request V9 Download


Our team is here to help!

Our technical support team is available to answer your questions or assist with your DataHub trial or system upgrade.

Our support team is available Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM US Eastern Time.

More Tools to Try

When you download the software on this page, part of what is included is the Quick Trend feature that is always free.  You do not need to download it separately but we have a free tutorial on how to use it.

If you'd like to download Quick Trend as a standalone application, you can request that separately. 

We also have a native Excel plug-in called the SkkyNet Vine plug-in that you can download separately. 


Standalone Quick Trend

Request Excel Plug-In

Download DataHub Current Version Now